Are you looking for a new way to carry your kayaks or other gear? If so, then you might want to consider putting them directly on top of your car roof rack. This method has some advantages over using a standard trunk lid carrier.
Kayaking is a great outdoor sport that gets you out into nature. The problem is that carrying your kayaks around can be very strenuous. After all, they are not the lightest of objects.
And if you don’t have a dedicated kayak carrier, you’re going to have to either strap them down or risk damaging them.
Table of Contents
What Are Roof Racks?
A roof rack is an accessory designed specifically to hold and transport things such as bicycles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATVs, and even kayaks. They attach to the roof of your vehicle and provide a convenient place to store and transport your equipment.
There are two types of roof racks: fixed and removable. Fixed racks are permanently attached to the roof of your car. Removable racks are portable and can be removed when it’s time to use the space for something else.
The advantage of having a roof rack is that it allows you to take your equipment with you wherever you go. You won’t need to worry about damage because they will stay put while you drive.
Most people are unable to fit these objects in their cars since the passengers and seats take up so much space. As a result, roof racks are convenient storage solutions.
Can You Put The Kayak On The Roof Rack?
Yes, you can put your kayak on the roof rack. However, be sure to place it upside down. The reason for this is that indentations can be created on the kayak. This will have a negative impact on its performance.
You should also bear in mind that this may not work well for small cars. After all, kayaks can be quite long. As a result, placing them upside down on a kayak rack could obscure your view.
How To Tie A Kayak To Your Car

Now that you know that it is possible to put a kayak on your roof rack, you may want to know how to do it. Follow our simple tips for straightforward storage.
Tip 1: Distribute Weight
To ensure that your kayak is secure, be sure to place the thickest part of the vessel at the point where you have the most grips.
Tip 2: Use Straps
To keep your kayak in place, we strongly suggest using cam straps. These can create a very strong grip. If the kayak is kept in place by a loose strap, it will be at risk of falling. If you are looking for a sensational strap, we recommend using this JCHL product.
Tip 3: Keep It Clean
If you plan on taking your kayak off the roof rack often, make sure to clean it regularly. Dirt can build up between the hull and the rack. This can cause water to get trapped inside the boat. When this happens, you could end up getting wet.
Tip 4: Bow And Stern Are Important
For added stability, you should utilize bow and stern lines. These will help prevent the kayak from tipping over. Bow and stern lines are placed at the front and back of the vehicle. In the unlikely event that you get into a driving accident, these sterns can be lifesavers.
Tip 5: Make Sure Your Boat Is Waterproof
Finally, make sure that your kayak is waterproofed. This is especially important if you live in a region that experiences heavy rain. Otherwise, the kayak can drip water all over your car.
How Do I Install A Car Roof Rack?
Installing a roof rack is fairly easy. All you need to do is remove the existing one and install yours. There are several different methods you can use depending on what type of roof rack you have.
Fixed Roof Racks
If you have a fixed roof rack, you will need to remove the old one before installing the new one. Then, you will need to make sure the holes line up correctly. Once that is done, you can secure the new rack by tightening the screws.
Removable Roof Racks
If you have a removable roof rack, you will first need to loosen the bolts holding the old rack in place. Then, you will remove the old rack. Finally, you will replace it with the new one. Make sure that the holes align properly and tighten the bolts securely.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does It Cost To Buy A Kayak?
Buying a kayak can be expensive. You can expect to pay anywhere from $200-$500. However, kayaks can also be considerably more expensive than this depending on what type and brand of vessel you are purchasing. But, there are some great deals available online.
What Size Kayak Should I Buy?
The best way to figure out which size kayak you need is to measure yourself. To find out how long you are, stand next to a wall or door frame. Measure the distance from the floor to the top of your head. Add a little leeway to that measurement.
You should also take into account how much you weigh, as kayaks have weight limits. Moreover, you also need to think about the number of passengers that you want. While some kayaks are designed for multiple people, others are constructed to only be used by one individual.
How Much Does It Cost To Install A Roof Rack?
This cost will vary, though it will likely cost at least $150. It can cost a lot more than this though depending on where you go. If you kayak regularly, it will be worth paying this price. However, if you are unlikely to use your roof rack often, it may not be the best idea to pay this price.
Final Thoughts
Overall, this guide should help you to understand how to store your kayak. By following our advice, you will be able to guarantee that your kayak is protected and securely in place. This will make transporting your kayak much more straightforward.